Chronic Liver Disease – Dietary Patterns and Lifestyle
If you have prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome or are obese, you are at an increased risk of nonalcoholic liver disease. While symptoms can include fatigue or pain in the upper right abdomen, NAFLD is usually asymptomatic. Genetics play a small role in the condition. Prevention is essential and includes management of a healthy weight, a low-or no added sugars diet, regular physical activity, and a whole foods program.
There are no FDA-approved medical treatments or drugs for NAFLD. Therapies are geared toward reducing risk factors by improving an individual’s diet, eliminating alcohol, and increasing physical activity. Simultaneous goals include weight reduction, glycemic control, management of dyslipidemia and improved cardiovascular profiles. The condition is reversible as long as it has not progressed to the later stages.
NAFLD is a multifactorial disease resulting from a complex interplay of genetics, diet, and lifestyle. Dietary changes play a critical role in the prevention and treatment of NAFLD.