Long Island Weight Gain Dietitian Nutritionist

Gaining weight when underweight can often be more challenging than losing weight when overweight. It can be difficult to eat when you have a poor or limited appetite, difficulty chewing, or low energy. Continuing to eat when you feel full or uninterested can be even more challenging.

Underweight Health Risks

Being underweight is linked to several health risks, including malnutrition, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, mobility disability, lowered immunity, diminished brain function, and compromised overall health. Insufficient consumption of calories, protein, vitamins, or minerals means your body and brain do not receive the required nourishment, compromising health and daily functioning.

Can a Dietitian Help with Weight Gain?

If you are experiencing weight loss, it is important to see your medical practitioner. For additional support, Nancy can help you establish a diet plan to attain and sustain your optimal weight. Whether you need to regain weight after surgery, hospitalization, or illness, struggle with a chronic condition, have always been underweight, or simply want to feel better, she will work with you to create an individualized nutrition program to achieve your goals.

Weight gain recommendations must be individualized to be successful. Understanding your lifestyle, current and past medical conditions, and any contributing factors or obstacles is essential. As a dietitian nutritionist, Nancy can provide strategies and a food plan to increase your calorie, macronutrient, and micronutrient intake.

Tips to Gain Weight on a Healthy Meal Plan

If you have a poor appetite or no interest in eating, finding foods you are comfortable with and willing to eat is key. You may also need more frequent meals throughout the day. Here are some tips:

  • Incorporate healthy fats and nutrient-dense foods into your meals:
    • Spread peanut butter, almond butter, or avocado on wheat toast.
    • Use olive oil liberally.
  • Ensure adequate protein and starch along with your vegetables and fruits.
  • Include healthy shakes or smoothies.
  • Be wary of supplements, fads, and quick fixes. Healthy weight gain takes time.

Nancy practices functional nutrition therapy to safely and effectively help individuals gain weight.

Causes of Unintentional Weight Loss:

  • Mental health problems: Depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.
  • Post-surgery or illness.
  • Digestive health issues: IBS, SIBO, leaky gut, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s and colitis), gastroparesis.
  • Health conditions: Thyroid disease, heart problems.
  • Lifestyle changes: Death of a loved one, dementia, retirement, living alone.
  • Aging: Changes in taste, early satiety, loss of appetite.

Working with Underweight Individuals

Nancy works with individuals who are healthy but have always been at a low weight. Whether for increased energy, muscle building, or discomfort with their appearance, they want to gain weight. As a Long Island dietitian nutritionist, Nancy will develop a healthy, comprehensive program tailored to your needs. She provides virtual Medical Nutrition Therapy to help you attain and sustain your optimal weight, improve health, and promote wellness.

Nancy, a NYS Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian, works closely with patients and their physicians, as well as family members or caregivers, to develop a personalized weight gain plan. Consultations include dietary evaluation, nutrition education, behavior modification and an individualized program. Dietary recommendations include specific foods and patterns of food choices with consideration for each patient’s lifestyle and food preferences as well as specific health related needs

Nancy has a private practice, serving individuals on long Island, Queens and Greater New York. Virtual nutrition consultations are available.


Learn More about Weight Gain: