Long Island Holistic Nutritionist, Registered Dietitian

Holistic nutrition takes into account an individual’s unique needs, lifestyle, and environment to develop a personalized approach to eating. It views food as both medicine and nourishment for the whole self, acknowledging that what we consume impacts both physical and mental health. Unlike a one-size-fits-all program, holistic nutrition emphasizes a tailored approach to optimize health.

What is a holistic nutritionist?

A holistic nutritionist offers dietary and lifestyle recommendations by considering all aspects of the patient, including their overall well-being and capacity for change. The focus is on enhancing lifestyle factors rather than merely prescribing a diet. 

This holistic approach begins with an evaluation of an individual’s eating patterns, behaviors, lifestyle, and goals. The nutritionist then explains the assessment, provides nutrition education, and develops a personalized program. Additionally, they assist patients in building healthier habits in various areas of their lives, such as increasing physical activity, managing emotions without food, and practicing mindfulness.

A holistic dietitian nutritionist will help you:

  • Implement mindful eating
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Meal planning
  • Identify macronutrient and micronutrient needs
  • Learn the constituents of a healthy meal plan
  • Identify possible food sensitivities or intolerances
  • Understand food labels
  • Attain and maintain an optimal weight
  • Promote good health and prevent disease
  • Manage diseases such as autoimmune disorders, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease (refer to website)

A holistic nutritionist will educate patients on improving their diet to optimize their health. They will assess the current meal plan of each patient and make recommendations on which foods to increase, which to limit, which foods to avoid, and why.  The goal is to develop a nutrition program that is not just effective in attaining goals, but a plan that is comfortable and enjoyable.

Be aware that the term “holistic nutritionist” is not a credentialed title. Both dietitians and nutritionists can practice holistic nutrition, but only dietitians are required to be credentialed and hold a legitimate degree. To become a Registered Dietitian (RD) or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), one must earn a degree in nutrition, complete 1,000 supervised hours in an internship or coordinated program, and pass a national licensing exam. In contrast, becoming a nutritionist in most states requires no formal education or certification and can be a self-designation. For more information, visit the CDR website.

What is holistic nutrition?

The term “holistic” in medicine is defined as being concerned with the care of the entire person in all aspects of well-being, including the physical, psychological, and social, rather than focusing solely on diseases and symptoms in isolation. It often incorporates natural or traditional remedies.

Holistic nutrition, which has become a popular concept in recent years, is an all-encompassing approach to disease management and health promotion. The philosophy behind holistic nutrition is that health results from a complex interplay between physical, mental, and emotional components, with the mind and body being interconnected.

Since each individual is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all holistic nutrition plan. Health and healing must be approached from a whole-person perspective. A holistic nutritionist educates patients on how to improve their diet to optimize health. They assess each patient’s current meal plan and make recommendations on which foods to increase, limit, or avoid, explaining the reasons behind these suggestions. The goal is to develop a nutrition program that is not only effective in achieving health goals but also comfortable and enjoyable.

As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) on Long Island, Nancy practices holistic nutrition, offering online and virtual nutrition counseling to patients throughout New York. She adopts an all-encompassing approach to diet and lifestyle, working with patients to build new habits and sustain them in a manageable way. Regardless of the goal, as a holistic nutritionist, she creates plans aimed at long-term success.

As a registered dietitian and New York State Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist, Nancy integrates the science of nutrition with practical holistic nutrition recommendations to guide individuals to health promotion and disease prevention.

Nancy has a private practice, serving patients on Long Island, Queens and Greater New York. Online/Virtual nutrition consultations are available.