Eating Patterns Recommendations for Healthy Aging from New York Dietitian Nutritionist: Dietary Recommendations for Seniors
In my last blog, I explained how important nutrition is for both prolonged life expectancy and decreased chronic, degenerative disease. Now you need to understand how and what to eat.
Research has found that healthy dietary “patterns”,…
Is Nutrition Junk science taking over social media? Asked and answered by a Long Island Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
People of all ages are increasingly getting their nutrition information from social media. Next people look to friends and family, then celebrities for nutrition advice and information. The result - misinformation and false news is spreading.…
IS TYPE 2 DIABETES REVERSIBLE? Answered by a New York State registered dietitian nutritionist
Not only can you prevent or delay prediabetes from progressing to type 2 diabetes, but Type 2 diabetes is reversible. As a RDN working with patients for over 30 years, I can provide you with dietary and behavioral strategies to sustain the…
CAN INTERMITTANT FASTING REVERSE TYPE 2 DIABETES? Long Island Certified Clinical Nutritionist Discusses Advantages of Time-Restricted Eating
In two of my recent blogs, I explained Chrononutrition and Circadian Rhythm (biological clock). The discussion was the related to the effectiveness at as strategy for weight loss. As important, if not more important, is the potential…
Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer Progression or Returning with a Healthy Diet Plan: Long Island Registered Dietitian Explains Link Between Breast Cancer and Nutrition
If you have or have had breast cancer, you probably want to know what you can eat that might lower your risk of the cancer progressing or returning. Fortunately, breast cancer is one of the most researched types of cancer - examining the…
A Long Island Dietitian Nutritionist explains the Benefits of Time-Restricted Eating: Chrononutrition and Weight Loss
As a NYS certified dietitian nutritionist, I work with many individuals who need to manage their weight as well as health issues such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease (cardiometabolic diseases). In my last blog I explained and discussed…
CAN LATE NIGHT EATING LEAD TO WEIGHT GAIN? Long Island Dietitian Nutritionist Discusses Weight Loss, Health, and Eating Times.
Does meal timing matter? Would it be beneficial if you ate according to your internal clock? These questions can only be answered if you understand CHRONONUTRITION.
Chrononutrition is an emerging field of nutrition sciences that studies…
Long Island Dietitian Tips to Lose Weight, Nutritionist Warns Against Fad Diets and Cheating
The Cheating Strategy for Dieting, Is it Effective? Ask an RDN.
Before I explain my viewpoint, I must define the word cheat from Merriam-Webster.
To deprive of something valuable.
Question: What food are you…
A Long Island Registered Dietitian Nutritionist’s Suggestions for Easy Family Meals
Most parents want to eat meals with their children. It is an opportunity to “strengthen family bonds and for social development”, as well as a time for family laughter, teachable moments and catching up. The benefits were discussed…
The Benefits of Family Meals explained by a New York State Certified Dietitian Nutritionist
When a family sits together at the table for a meal, not only do they share the time together, but they speak with each other in a relaxed setting, sharing ideas and experiences. Based on their lifestyle and culture, each family…