Heart Disease is the #1 Killer of Women
Heart disease is a woman’s disease: 1 in 4 will die in the U.S. from heart disease this year that is half a million deaths each year – yet the perception that heart disease is primarily a man’s disease persist. The reality…

Saturated Fat: What is the True Story? Part 2: Answers and Conclusion
We have the answers to these questions, kept in the shadows impressively well by the peddlers of pepperoni and bacon.
The range of saturated fat intake examined is pretty narrow. In the first meta-analysis, the top and bottom…

Saturated Fat: What is the True Story? Part 1: Research and Questions
For decades the American public has been warned that eating saturated fat, the type found in meat and processed foods, can lead to heart disease. Now there is a booming cottage industry peddling the argument that saturated fat is…

Calcium Cleared
“Calcium supplements could increase risk of heart disease, new study finds” said a Washington Post headline in October. “Calcium supplements could give you a heart attack,” wrote the New York Daily News.
Researchers at Johns…

Biggest Loser and the Misrepresentation of Weightloss
891 Northern Boulevard
Great Neck, New York 11021
BIGGEST LOSER – a misleading report
The grim message from the recent New York Times article is that dieting is futile and re-gain is all but pre-ordained.…

The New Dietary Guidelines (2016)
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just released the dietary guidelines for 2015–2016. The nation’s “best and brightest nutrition experts”, who pored over the scientific evidence, made the following recommendations:

Soy – A Perfect Food?
THE SOY HYPE IS RIGHT. In the last few years, we are constantly reading about the seemingly endless benefits of soy products. When a food is touted in every health and nutrition column, in newspapers, magazines, and the internet, the extravagant…

To Diet or Not to Diet, That is the Question
The importance of good nutrition and a healthy weight continue to be acknowledged as a key component for disease prevention and health promotion. Though maintaining an optimal weight is as important as the nutrients selected, it is considerably…

The Breast Cancer Diet Connection – Food as Anti‑Cancer Agents
The relationship between cancer and nutrition is complex and multifactorial. Nutrition may play a major role in the development and progression of tumors, and conversely, not only may the neoplastic process have a detrimental effect on the nutritional…

How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
The holiday season, along with holiday weight gain, sneaks upon us every year. With all the yummy food, it is hard to say no to the delectable treats found in stores, at the office, and at home. You may be thinking that eating a cookie and gaining…