Delicious freshly baked bread assortment on dark rustic background
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THE TRUTH ABOUT BREAD, Long Island Registered Nutritionist helps you choose the best breads for your diet plan 

Despite its widespread popularity, bread is often characterized as unhealthy, harmful, and fattening. Regardless of what you have heard or read, “bread is not the enemy”.   The popularity of the low-carb diet has made bread (and…
Slow Eating
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Nutritionist Tips on How to Eat Less and Lose Weight, Behaviors to Support Sustainable Weight Loss and Wellness

Attaining and maintaining your optimal weight is a path toward disease prevention and health promotion. And portion control is an essential component of weight management.  Changing your thoughts can change the way you eat.  As a registered…
Frozen Vegetables

Long Island Registered Dietitian Discusses Fresh & Frozen Fruits and Vegetables: Debunking Misinformation About Frozen Foods

A balanced and diversified healthful food plan is important whether you are trying to lose weight, are living with a chronic illness, or want to promote health and prevent disease.  We all know that your shopping cart should be loaded with…
Unhealthy Snacks
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Long Island Dietitian Tips to Healthy Snacking, Weight Loss and Maintenance: TO SNACK OR NOT TO SNACK – That Is the Question

It is well understood that snacking can be a significant factor in weight management and health, but the definition is inconsistent. A clear understanding is needed to prevent unwanted weight gain or to promote weight loss. The simplest…
Diabetes Prevention
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Prevent Diabetes with Nutrition Interventions from Long Island Registered Dietitian & NYS Certified Nutritionist: The Risk of Developing Diabetes has Increased in Younger & Younger Individuals

It is estimated that 10% of all U.S. adults have diabetes, while 34.5% have prediabetes.  Being overweight or obese is the strongest risk factor for developing prediabetes and then full-blown diabetes.  According to the CDC, additional…
Senior Couple Eating Meal Together In Kitchen
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Tips to Avoid Heart Disease from Long Island Certified Nutritionist: Reduce Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke with Diet Plan

WHAT SHOULD YOU EAT TO AVOID HEART DISEASE? According to the CDC, “Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States.” Oftentimes, people don’t even realize…
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Long Island Certified Nutritionist Recommendations to Promote Health and Maintain an Optimal Weight During the Menopausal Years

  As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, I work with individuals of all ages to develop personalized diet plans to meet changing nutritional needs, translating research into practice. Whether you’re struggling to attain or maintain…
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Causes of Weight Gain After Menopause: Long Island Registered Dietitian Works with Women to Reassess Health Goals and Nutritional Needs

  Though menopause is the end of the reproductive phase of a woman’s life, it is an opportunity to reassess their health goals and nutritional needs.  As a certified nutritionist, I work with women who are pre, peri and post-menopausal,…
Alkaline Diet
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An explanation by a Long Island Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

There are many diet fads and trends, most of which are based upon junk science rather than evidence-based science. Over the past several years, there’s been a lot of buzz about alkaline diets and how they lead to weight loss while reducing…
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Can Pasta Be Included in A Healthy Weight Loss Plan? Answered by a certified dietitian nutritionist

As a Long Island registered dietitian nutritionist, many of my weight loss patients mistakenly think that pasta must be avoided. Pasta is restricted on most “one-size-fits all diets” since it is typically viewed as a food that causes…